esellingson: Gyrfalcon
Victoria Morrow: Song sparrow
Victoria Morrow: Mustard flowers on the hill above the Bob Jones Trail
dan.weisz: Osprey in the Desert
Victoria Morrow: A cooperative spotted towhee
Victoria Morrow: A cooperative spotted towhee
esellingson: Marsh Wren
esellingson: Western Toad
esellingson: Song Sparrow
esellingson: Western Toad
Eileen Fonferko: C76P6231 Green Heron
Eileen Fonferko: C76P6442 My Backyard Friends
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Harris's Hawk with kill
esellingson: Rhinocerous Auklets
esellingson: Pacific Loon
esellingson: Rufous Hummingbird
Dale Bicksler: Great Blue Heron
alicecahill: Kestrel with a Lizard
esellingson: American Bittern
esellingson: Solitary Sandpiper
Birdman of Beaverton: Yellow-rumped Warbler
alicecahill: Early Morning Hunter
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Bell's Vireo belting one out
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Merlin at Heritage Park
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Gila Woodpecker enjoying the sun
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Chipping Sparrow rear view. Showing off its tail feathers baby!
dan.weisz: Swainson's Hawk
dan.weisz: Swainson's Hawk
Victoria Morrow: Cottontail getting a good scratch