jellyfire: Tourist
jellyfire: Gone
mpmark: Red-tailed Hawk
Merrillie: Silvery Gibbon Mother and Child
LawrieBrailey: Sunset Flight
Protik Mohammad Hossain: Great Gray flying in with prey
Protik Mohammad Hossain: Can you see me?
monte stinnett: Burrowing Owls
klaus.huppertz: complementary colours
klaus.huppertz: III - III - III
klaus.huppertz: changeable pholiota
klaus.huppertz: "winter-tit"
Hanzy2012: Peeking Out
Hanzy2012: Northern Saw-whet Owl
Hanzy2012: Pine Marten
RGL Photography: Eastern Screech Owl | Megascops asio | 2023 - 3
labecoaves: Turquoise-fronted Parrot
Jacobo Quero: Víbora hocicuda/ Lataste´s viper (Vipera latastei)
Jacobo Quero: Salamanquesa rosada/ Mediterranean house gecko (Hemidatylus turcicus)
Jacobo Quero: Mochuelo común/ Little owl (Athene noctua)
J.Hunter Photography: Great Gray Owl
LMNO Sunset Deluxe: Samyang 135mm F2 test 1
emvri85: Mouillage dans la baie de Chiriguano #2 [ Île Brabant ~ Péninsule antarctique ]
emvri85: Cierva Cove #2 ~ Baie Hugues [ Péninsule antarctique ]
emvri85: Pétrel géant des mers du sud #1 [ Snow Island ~ Îles Shetland du Sud ]
Fabien Baziz: Écureuil roux (Sciurus vulgaris)
Ann HS.Photography/natureflower: Hikers on the high peak.
emvri85: Eléphant de mer juvénile #1 [ Mikkelsen harbour ~ Péninsule antarctique ]