MikoFox: Food Combatants
Carsten Bahnsen: Rotkehlchen / Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
11diamonds: Lagune glacière de Jökulsárlón, Islande
craigallen1972ice: Heard but not seen at the moment.
jorgeedoramirez: R114- Candelita pechinegra -Slate-throated Redstart-(Myioborus miniatus) Explore! February 8, 2025
mharoldsewell: Turtle in Cozumel
Helge Schaaf: Snowdrops (Galanthus)
jt893x: Mallard
Don Jones Photography: Grooming Time!
Jonathan Zimmermann: Dipper / Wasseramsel
Ranveig Marie Photography: We do not remember days, we remember moments ♡
Cristina Toma: Zandvoort
wild prairie man: 2305_2176 Gadwall
The Owl Man: Brain Freeze (Short-Eared Owl)
jt893x: Northern Cardinal
jt893x: Pileated Woodpecker
jt893x: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
jt893x: Red-shouldered Hawk
Scotty7949e: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Arvo Poolar: Northern Cardinal
Arvo Poolar: Northern Cardinal
Arvo Poolar: A flock of Snow Buntings
Helge Schaaf: Winterling (Eranthis hyemalis)
11diamonds: Do you love me? Macareux, Latrarbjarg, Islande
Jean-Luc Foucret: Mésange bleue ( Cyanistes caeruleus - Eurasian Blue Tit )
Earl Reinink: This is my place..
e-Ken: Moose On The Loose