steve_thole: Forest Farm Nature Reserve
Joseph ..: Through the Mist
Colin-47: September mist
Colin-47: September mist
haye_kevin: Roaches tree
telegraphic65: Bright Forest Light
Baz Richardson - often away: Early morning at Looe, Cornwall
paullangton: Nap time , colour version
Peter Krumme: Odenwald, Heidelberg
Rolandletscher: Mycènes
Gary Grossman: Autumn Oak [Explore December 11, 2024]
antontutaev: 2024 Autumn 11422
Mindaugas Buivydas: from thes series "the infinity mirror""
joolst14: Light and Dark
wandering snapper: The day after the storm
Poetic Vagabond: Rise And Tall (poetic ' towering above' version)
Ron and Co.: 2024 2: Bluebells
Dhina A: dewdrops
paullangton: Autumn in the woods
alexcalver: Fagus Sylvatica
Captain Nikon: Brothers in Reflective Mood
peaceful-jp-scenery: colorful leaves
Jörg Kage: Endlos im Novembernebel / Endless in the November fog
Doeixo: Amanita
Just-one-more-shot: Autumn Fog
MisterHaenk: Schafe im Sonnenuntergang
crossXnature: Hohe Loog
lidschlag60: In Between • Dazwischen
Christoph Wenzel: Common Foxglove (Digitalis Purpurea)
Jean-Guy Huot: Le bouquet final de la saison