2jsworldofadventure: White Rhino, Woburn Safari Park 20240819
2jsworldofadventure: Water birds, Priory Park, Bedford 20240821
olwynam1: Smithills Hall, Bolton, Lancashire
Rourkeor: Willow warbler
(bbarsalo): Cacatoès à huppe jaune - Cacatua galerita - Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Rourkeor: Forever autumn
Rourkeor: Grey heron on a misty day
searchlight557: After the Storm
gseloff: Morning After
oldTor: Bearings. Macro. HDR
Hadi Hormozi: Red Currant
Hadi Hormozi: Red Currant
Décar - Street photography: Jeu de cartes dans la rue
(bbarsalo): Mouette argentée - Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae - Silver Gull
(bbarsalo): Cormoran pie - Microcarbo melanoleucos - Little Pied Cormorant
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denis.metzlaff: De L'Obscurité à la Lumière ?
beranekp: 2024-08-27 Train
Lens and Shutter: The colorful world of a flower shop.
Lens and Shutter: The customers at a flower shop.
dinarte.pereira: IMG_7920
Ron Buening: Orange Eyes
Ron Buening: A Little Nibble
beranekp: 2009-01-01 Winter Way
beranekp: 2009-02-01 Wedding Car