shecanquilt: Triangle improv so far
Marci Girl Designs: Bee Sewcial - Kari's Block
aquilterstable: Mod Mood
Entropy Always Wins: Bee Sewcial Blocks for April
Entropy Always Wins: Bee Sewcial block-interpreting Chihuly
~Me1issa: Love Letters Pattern
sewasigo: I love this - do you?
Cut To Pieces: Sewing Room
crimsonmeg: My disco quilt
hello rach: Nearly all of my Karel Capek tea tin collection
sdfilmgirl: Bold Expressions—African American Quilts
During Quiet Time (Amy): To Boston with Love Installation Complete
qusic: Scraparadise
rachellake: mqg madrona road challenge - finished!
Ericka @ Michael Miller/ Madrona Road Challenge
The Left Footed Quilter: Madrona Road Challenge- "Ombre Fire" Front
TerryAskeArtQuilts: Terry Aske - Madrona Road Scrappy Stars - 34 x 42 inches
k9toywear: "A Trip to Madrona Road" Challenge Quilt
theglasdiva: Madrona Road Quilt Challenge
Rachel @ Wonky
Tina ~ Seaside Stitches: Madrona Road challenge
Sarah Oviatt: Madrona road challenge quilt "Meetings and Partings" 57" by 69"
TheParfaitCafe: Diamond Dresden for the 4x5 Bee Quilt Block for Cmnthrds
Alyssa Nassner: Infinite Love Valentine
verykerryberry: Scrappy Pincushion scissor keeper
verykerryberry: Pincushion
_name_taken_: Dylan's birthday quilt
kelbysews: Custom order Bento Box
Swede-Heart: My Fabric Stash...
Colorfly Studio: Pincushions and such