Laval Roy: 1.15760 Méliphage fardé / Phylidonyris niger niger / White-cheeked Honeyeater
Laval Roy: 1.19206 Miro jaunâtre / Tregellasia capito nana / Pale-yellow Robin
Laval Roy: 1.18113 Rhipidure à ventre chamois / Rhipidura rufiventris isura / Northern Fantail
boonloke: MINE'S BIGGER!
boonloke: SHOOT OFF
williamghorton: Tern in Flight with Fish
Laval Roy: 1.02546 Busard des marais / Circus cyaneus hudsonius / Northern Harrier
Laval Roy: 1.09841 Pic mineur / Dryobates pubescens medianus / Downy Woodpecker
galsafrafoto: Knock Knock! Anybody there?
michafink: Löffelente
boonloke: STRAW MANES
Photos By JM: Female Red-bellied Woodpecker
michafink: Redshank
Philip Mitchell for the birds: Summer Tanager (female)
ricardo00: one of the chicks flying around Blue tit European Robin Great tit Blue tit Blue tit Chaffinch
Laval Roy: 1.07906 Ariane à ventre gris (jucunda) / Amazilia tzacatl jucunda / Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (jucunda)
Julian Munilla Rio: Jilguero _MG_1955
wandering tattler: Swallow-tailed kite
Laval Roy: 1.07541 Brillant fer-de-lance (femelle) / Heliodoxa jacula jamesoni / Green-crowned Brilliant
boonloke: VENERATED Great tit
cherrytree54: Grebe-DSCF7798-DeNAI-ShpnAI
shutterbug1946: DSC_3933