Mick Erwin: Kingfisher
tina negus: Dandelion seedhead
JLS@Photos: Young Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Bihoreau violacé juvénile
robertofurlan: DSC_3094 gheppio san Pier , di fronte casa .
Pascal Echevest | Nature: L'éperon dans les nuages / The spur in the clouds
robertofurlan: DSC_0979 trio gruccioni san Pier
Bob Eade: Jay (Garrulus gladarius).
tom_2014: Common Wall Lizard
Ann Collier Wildlife & General Photographer: RSPB Pulborough Brooks - West Sussex -160320
Nick Chilton_Birds&Wildlife: The colourful Jay
Nick Chilton_Birds&Wildlife: Beautiful Cuckoo
dzittin: Lazuli Bunting (Passerina amoena)
robertofurlan: DSC_0219 picchio rosso maggiore in martellamento
glenharris804: King of the pollinators
shazza39: Bee Fly ....
susie2778: "Geronimo!"
WildPhotoMonkey: Crab Spider (Female), Misumena vatia - MP 120420
robertofurlan: DSC_1527 tortora dal collare al volo , buona Pasqua a tutti gli amici di flickr
Beckett_1066: Willie Wagtail...
2020Visi0n: Nest Building - Goldcrest
Ann Collier Wildlife & General Photographer: Blue-tailed damselfly -Ischnura elegans- Arne RSPB Dorset -300519 (1)
Ann Collier Wildlife & General Photographer: Beautiful Demoiselle-Calopteryx virgo - Middlebere Dorset -110719(2)
Ann Collier Wildlife & General Photographer: Common Darter -Kingston Lacy Dorset-010919 (2)
robertofurlan: DSC_1969 taccola sui tetti in alimentazione , san Pier
robertofurlan: DSC_1676 ghiandaia , garrulus glandarius , intenta nel richiamo , san Pier
Ann Collier Wildlife & General Photographer: Turnstone -Keyhaven Hampshire -140219 (8f)
stuart 14: 20200315-7H8A4438-2