J. Antonio Chanivet:
Calopteryx virgo ♀
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Polyommatus dorylas ♂
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Polyommatus icarus ♀
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Lysandra bellargus ♀
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Brintesia circe ♀
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Orthetrum trinacria ♂
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Plebejus idas ♀
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Steropleurus sp ♀
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Hoplitis curvipes
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Coenonympha pamphilus
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Melitaea aetherie ♂
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Polyommatus thersites ♀
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Pieris brassicae
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Colias crocea ♀
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Orthetrum chrysostigma ♂
J. Antonio Chanivet:
Aricia cramera ♂
Johannishögl and the Untersberg in January
Laval Roy:
1.02829 Buse tricolore / Geranoaetus polyosoma polyosoma / Red-backed Hawk / Gavilán Dorsirrojizo
Laval Roy:
1.04705 Colombe de Cécile (obsoleta) / Metriopelia ceciliae obsoleta / Bare-faced Ground-Dove (obsoleta) / Tortolita Moteada
- AdelheidS Photography -:
Sunny Alsace, France
Ambiguous series #1.) Skeleton Key
Emerald City Elegance
Jose Manuel Cano:
Desde mi jardín
James Neeley:
Pillars and Towers
Poisson volant
Vest der ute:
Seems like Santa Got Stuck!