David JP64: A neighbour’s house πŸ‘β„οΈ
David JP64: Freezing squirrel ️ ❄️
David JP64: Just last Friday ❄️❄️
Cosper Wosper: Eurasian teal ~ Anas crecca
hunt.keith27: Great Spotted Woodpecker (M) - (Dendrocopos major) 2 clicks for zoom
hunt.keith27: Lapwing with a deformed bill - (Vanellus vanellus)
hunt.keith27: "Are you sure that's safe to eat"? Cygnets - (Cygnus olor)
hunt.keith27: Stonechat (M) - (Saxicola-rubicola)
anthonynixon17: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
anthonynixon17: Long-tailed Tits!
www.andystuthridgenatureimages.co.uk: When your world turns upside down !
Nynature21: Short-eared owl at sunset
Nynature21: American tree sparrow
Nynature21: (M) Dark-eyed junco
DougRobertson: Charmouth Beach
DougRobertson: It's a Dogs Life
DougRobertson: Charmouth Beach
pat.giacobi: Pouillot véloce Phylloscopus collybita - Common Chiffchaff
pat.giacobi: Fauvette à tête noire Sylvia atricapilla - Eurasian Blackcap - ♀-
dmchissie: Rock Pipit
dmchissie: Otter
dmchissie: Otter
Frenchie1208: _DSC9978-Enhanced-NR-3
Frenchie1208: _DSC9876-Enhanced-NR-2
David JP64: Please can I have some dinner
David JP64: Happy bench Monday ! ❄️
David JP64: Just 5 mins into our walk yesterday β„οΈπŸŒ πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸ•πŸŒβ„οΈ
David JP64: Reflections and ice patterns through a glass door
Cosper Wosper: Record Shot: A Least sandpiper and a Little stint !!
Cosper Wosper: Bearded Reedling (or tit if you prefer)...