Jesse_in_CT: Northern Rough-winged Swallow
IshranI: Eastern bluebird, Ontario
New Jersey Dinosaurs: Blue-gray gnatcatcher
lindapp57: American Redstart
BirdMojo: The louder, the better
Mathew Malwitz: Cerulean Warbler
Mathew Malwitz: Magnolia Warbler
Mathew Malwitz: Chestnut-Sided Warbler
Steve Brynes: Cerulean Warbler
jjablonski35: Scarlet Tanager
jjablonski35: Scarlet Tanager
jjablonski35: Scarlet Tanager
jjablonski35: Scarlet Tanager
CooperativeVerse: Kentucky Warbler
CooperativeVerse: Cerulean Warbler
CooperativeVerse: Kentucky Warbler
CooperativeVerse: Kentucky Warbler
CooperativeVerse: Canada Warbler
CooperativeVerse: Canada Warbler
CooperativeVerse: Prothonotary Warbler
CooperativeVerse: Prothonotary Warbler (and a spider)
CooperativeVerse: Prothonotary Warbler
CooperativeVerse: Song Sparrow
CooperativeVerse: American Redstart
CooperativeVerse: Yellow Warbler
CooperativeVerse: Great Crested Flycatcher
CooperativeVerse: Baltimore Oriole (immature)
CooperativeVerse: Yellow Warbler
IshranI: Nashville warbler male, Ontario