Chuck Hantis: White-eyed Vireo
ericnzhou: Tropical Parula
akulkarn: Tiger Heron
Mathew Malwitz: Fish Crow
Mathew Malwitz: White Ibis
Mathew Malwitz: Mourning Warbler
philippe.s.: The magnificent Ovenbird
philippe.s.: A Northern Parula (male)
philippe.s.: Solitary no more…
philippe.s.: A Northern Flicker (female), springtime bokeh
philippe.s.: That unmistakable mustache…
philippe.s.: On its favorite perch…
philippe.s.: A Bobolink (female), on yellow flowers
philippe.s.: A Bobolink (male, in breeding plumage), on yellow flowers
philippe.s.: A serene gaze…
philippe.s.: A Purple Martin (female or immature)
philippe.s.: On a perfect perch…
philippe.s.: The Prowl
geno k: Black-throated Blue Warbler / Michigan
akulkarn: Common Yellowthroat
ericnzhou: Bell's Vireo
ronzigler: Blue-winged Warbler 267A8822
tfells: L0A8946-Painted Bunting
ronzigler: Prairie Warbler 267A8792
grobinette: American Redstart
grobinette: American Redstart
tfells: L0A8209-Northern Waterthrush
Jim Zenock: 204A9219_DxO
jjablonski35: Yellow Warbler
jjablonski35: Yellow Warbler