BirdMojo: Working it - Honeybee
BirdMojo: Tapestry
BirdMojo: Pool Shooter - Juvenile Green Heron
BirdMojo: Neutral - Blue-eyed Darner
BirdMojo: Tough Guy - Male Wilson's Warbler
BirdMojo: Balancing Skills - Juvenile Northern Harrier
BirdMojo: The Stretch - Green Heron
BirdMojo: Big Lift - Great Blue Heron
BirdMojo: showin' Off - Bufflehead drake
BirdMojo: In The Brambles - Bewick's Wren
BirdMojo: Dueling reflections - Greater Yellowlegs and Ring-billed Gull
BirdMojo: Young and restless - Juvenile Bald Eagle
BirdMojo: The Boys - male Surf Scoters
BirdMojo: Low and Slow - Green Heron
BirdMojo: Cormorant court - Double-crested cormorants
BirdMojo: Scenic Wonder - Mt. Olympus, Olympic Mountains
BirdMojo: Here they come - Greater Yellowlegs
BirdMojo: The Feather! - Northern Shoveler Hen
BirdMojo: "Swoooosh" - Red-breasted Megansers
BirdMojo: Stare down - Male Surf Scoter
BirdMojo: The Eyes have it -- Golden-crowned Kinglet
BirdMojo: Over Puget Sound - Harlequin Duck
BirdMojo: "Curtsey" Display - Red Breasted Mergansers
BirdMojo: The Followers - drake Harlequin Ducks
BirdMojo: Hello! - Red-breasted Mergansers
BirdMojo: Pond Bad Boy - Hooded Merganser
BirdMojo: Done Deal - Cedar Waxwings
BirdMojo: Purple and Gold - Barrow's Goldeneye
BirdMojo: The Watch Tower - Great Blue Heron
BirdMojo: The Star - Glaucous-winged Gull