Trey Ratcliff:
The Rock that Moves Alone
Alexey Jap:
Flies (Diptera)
Well, that worked
Trevor Dobson:
Summer Milky Way at York, Western Australia
Frank Schauf Photography:
Sandhill Crane
Frank Schauf Photography:
Frank Schauf Photography:
Reddish Egret
Trevor Dobson:
Milky Way at Lake Ninan, Western Australia
Frank Schauf Photography:
Frank Schauf Photography:
European Hare
Stanislav Nikulich:
Fleur de mensonge
Trey Ratcliff:
Sunset Across the Bay
Oliver (Wolbadger):
Sir Tom Finney - "The Splash"
Trevor Dobson:
Hybrid Solar Eclipse 2023 - Exmouth, Western Australia
Hoffmann Bodo:
Fasching 2023 - Waldfrau
Stanislav Nikulich:
Emptiness of the subject matter
Trey Ratcliff:
Film View of the High Line in NYC