tetleyboy: Frozen Dead Tree
tetleyboy: Winter Trees
mhmatth: Conifer Tuft
Steve Batch 61: The web and thistle
Barry John Coleman: Eurasian Kingfisher
mhmatth: Grass snake
mhmatth: Migrant Hawker at Brandon
mhmatth: Nurseryweb spider (Pisaura mirabilis)
mhmatth: Great Egret at Brandon
mhmatth: Bridge Orbweb Spider: Larinioides sclopetarius
Steve Batch 61: Marbled White Butterfly - Melanargia galathea
Salomé Rose S: Securely Attached - Anchor Line
tetleyboy: Defib
mhmatth: Pollen fest
Barry John Coleman: Large red damselflies mating - in my garden
Barry John Coleman: Reflection in elegance
mhmatth: Robber fly
mhmatth: Dolichopus sp
mhmatth: Hoverfly: Eristalis eristalini
ken pinfold: Weymouth Harbour
Barry John Coleman: Backlit puffin - gorgeous beak!
Barry John Coleman: The boat at Bunessan
nhawtin: North Lights 1
Steve Batch 61: Tetragnatha extensa spider on web
Barry John Coleman: Gothic arches in Sherborne Church
broughie7: Reeds V1
niveha2023: Canal Walk
mhmatth: Twenty past six at Batsford
tetleyboy: Full Moon
tetleyboy: Bodhisattva