Steve Batch 61: Holly-leaved hellebore - (Helleborus argutifolius)
Steve Batch 61: Snowdrops
Steve Batch 61: Snowdrop - (Galanthus nivalis)
Steve Batch 61: Sunrise on the Grand Union Canal
Steve Batch 61: Fleetingly frosty
Steve Batch 61: Golden rain
Steve Batch 61: Silver rain
Steve Batch 61: On the move
Steve Batch 61: Dew covered butterfly
Steve Batch 61: Dew covered butterfly-2
Steve Batch 61: Frosted ornament
Steve Batch 61: Viper's-bugloss Echium vulgare
Steve Batch 61: Viper's-bugloss Echium vulgare-4
Steve Batch 61: Viper's-bugloss Echium vulgare-3
Steve Batch 61: Viper's-bugloss Echium vulgare-2
Steve Batch 61: Ice over water
Steve Batch 61: Ice Transformer Sculpture
Steve Batch 61: Blue frost
Steve Batch 61: Sunrise on a distant icy planet-2
Steve Batch 61: Frost on a windscreen
Steve Batch 61: Frosted fairy face
Steve Batch 61: Frosted Rosehip
Steve Batch 61: Winter Oak
Steve Batch 61: Frosted chain
Steve Batch 61: Frosted Cow Parsley
Steve Batch 61: Golden Frosted Cow Parsley
Steve Batch 61: Hoar frost on a twig
Steve Batch 61: Frosted Grasses
Steve Batch 61: Frosted Bramble leaf
Steve Batch 61: Frosted Bramble leaves