Clay Fraser: DIY Power Box
Shotaku: Coreopsis with bee
crush777roxx: Big Yellow Daffodil (Thank you guys!)
crush777roxx: ☺ Spring Into Summer! (Springtime Blues)
naturecatcher58: Grypocoris stysi on White Campion
Sam Droege: Andrena macra, f, left, Kent Co. Maryland_2019-03-22-02.07.19 ZS PMax UDR
Rich Lukey: Jumping Spider
donnasmith13: Swollen-thighed Beetle
Gaël B: Sur la pyramide...
pedro lastra: Heliconius Butterfly, Wings of the Tropics, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden.
Ouwesok: Libellula quadrimaculata
celerycelery: Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas)
---ZaBBeY---: Stiletto Fly
carmen chase: Argentagrion ambiguum 2019.06.02
Traumflieger_Foto: kleiner Hüpfer
Clay Fraser: Lost World
eyetwist: henning's motel. newberry springs, ca. 2013.
*julia: vertigo at marshall field & co.
DjCj-Foto: Hummingbird
torriejonvik: 6598-1smNET
Pam Brisse: 20190621-PAM_2270
Ricky Floyd: 140A3405
Perk's images: Rufous Hummingbird - Selasphorus rufus (Trochilidae) 119x-4928
bryan3950: Brazil. Sitio Espinheiro Negro
Portraying Life, LLC: Orange to Orange