BN Singh: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
BN Singh: Warbling Vireo
BN Singh: Common Yellowthroat
BN Singh: Hooded Warbler
BN Singh: Nashville Warbler
BN Singh: Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)
BN Singh: Worm-eating Warbler
BN Singh: Yellow-throated Warbler
BN Singh: Scarlet Tanager
BN Singh: Blue-winged Warbler
lfalterbauer: 2I1A1522-Edit1a
IshranI: Golden-winged warbler singing in the rain
IshranI: White-throated sparrrow
BN Singh: Blackburnian Warbler
BN Singh: Northern Parula
monte stinnett: Long Billed Curlew
monte stinnett: Burrowing Owls
marieroy0808: Paruline Couronnée - Ovenbird
marieroy0808: Plongeon huard - Common Loon
marieroy0808: Jaseur d'Amérique - Cedar Waxwing
marieroy0808: Passerin Indigo - Indigo Bunting
Rob Melone: Least Tern
Rob Melone: Black-crowned Night Heron
BN Singh: Chestnut-sided Warbler
BN Singh: Mourning Warbler
monte stinnett: The Dancers
monte stinnett: Least Terns
monte stinnett: Coot chick
monte stinnett: Western Grebes family
monte stinnett: Burrowing Owl