Crazybittern1: Great White Egret with catch.
Crazybittern1: Great White Egret with catch.
Crazybittern1: European Hornet.
Crazybittern1: Green Hairstreak.
Crazybittern1: Storm Stacey ( Kawasaki ZX10-RR )
Andre T 44: Trop tôt pour le chapeau paille
Andre T 44: Lumière sur glace.......( en Avril ne te découvre pas d un fil )
Andre T 44: Rue St Jean au tôt matin.......
Andre T 44: Lumière en projection.....
Kees499  Nature pics: I'm watching you !!
Jabi Artaraz: Hesia eta elurra Urkiolan
Crazybittern1: Barn Owl.
Crazybittern1: Moorhen.
Crazybittern1: Waxwing.
Crazybittern1: Waxwing.
Crazybittern1: Roe Deer
geoffgsa: Buzzard 5
geoffgsa: Buzzard Portrate
Andre T 44: Veillir c’est la Vie.....
geoffgsa: Cormorant 1
geoffgsa: DSC_5593_DxO-Edit
geoffgsa: Redwing 25,11,23
geoffgsa: Little Owl Birkrigg
geoffgsa: DSC_7770-Edit
Crazybittern1: Grey Heron.
Crazybittern1: Grey Heron.