Captainchaoz: Stairway to Heaven.
Captainchaoz: Another time another world.
Captainchaoz: Gloucester Docks
Mark S Searle: Swallowtail
Tim Melling: Slip Slidin' Away
Bob Eade: Silver-studded Blue (Plebejus argus).
Tim Melling: Little Owl in the snow
Iain Leach: Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos
Tim Melling: Snow in the Pennines
Maggie Studholme: Pembrokeshire Dusk
Maggie Studholme: Little Milford
bedeauannabelle: Not Again !
Ian Robin Jackson: Fluffed Pigeon
nigel kiteley2011: Red Backed Shrike
Mark S Searle: Common Blues
nigel kiteley2011: Little Grebes
bedeauannabelle: Into The Light
Tim Melling: Pacific Wren
Bob Eade: Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina).
Glos Wolf: Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis)
Mark S Searle: Brown Argus
Tim Melling: Polar Bear on melting fast ice
Mark S Searle: Long-tailed Blue (M)
Bob Eade: Four-spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata).
Tim Melling: "...Absolutely soaking wet..."
Mark S Searle: Queen of Spain Fritillaries
Alone again. Naturally.: 2118 True Lover's Knot (Lycophotia porphyrea)