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albums of undp_gef_sgp
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SGP Antigua and Barbuda - PwD Climate Smart Agriculture
SGP Colombia - Guardians of the Páramos
SGP South-South Cooperation across the Caribbean
SGP Malaysia - Borneo Komrad
SGP Bolivia - Conservation and Sustainable Use of Almonds in Bolivia’s Chiquitano Forest
SGP Zambia - Kandod Sioma Youth Group tackle deforestation with art
SGP Burkina Faso: Wendpanga Simplified Cooperative
SGP Cabo Verde - Projecto Vito Association - Fogo Biosphere Reserve
SGP Plastics - Earth Day - Argentina, Ghana, Maldives, and North Macedonia
SGP Guatemala - Production and commercialization of organic vegetables produced by Mayan Kaqchikel youth using bio-inputs such as bio-insecticides, bio-fungicides and biofertilizers’ project
SGP Ghana - The Sacred Forest - Zukpuri Community Resource Management Area
SGP Sustainable Cities - Antigua and Barbuda, Bhutan, Mexico, and Zimbabwe
SGP Peru - Puno - Water Guardians
SGP Antigua - PABRO
SGP Malaysia - Global Peace Foundation
SGP Loss and Damage highlight
SGP Costa Rica - A natural alliance
SGP Cabo Verde - Fundação Tartaruga
SGP Videos
SGP 30th anniversary event at the 7th GEF Assembly
SGP Senegal - ICCA GSI Indigenous Day
SGP Ecuador - Community socioecological resilience to the pandemic
SGP Belize - ICCA GSI Indigenous Day
SGP Brazil - Supporting livelihoods while conserving traditions and ecosystems
SGP Nigeria - EMADET (Equator Prize winner 2019)
SGP Barbados - Local action for coral reef restoration in Barbados
SGP Viet Nam - ICCA GSI Biodiversity Day
SGP Moldova - Rural Agroecology Resilience Hub
SGP Maldives - Revival of Coconut Palms and Culture
SGP Eritrea - Community-based rehabilitation of degraded land & conservation of biodiversity project in Habrengaka, Anseba Region
SGP Solomon Islands - Trees shade the way to positive change
SGP Peru - The "flying rivers" protecting the water cycle: The Wampís guard the phenomenon that supplies water to three Andean countries
SGP Ecuador - TLS x SGP x UNDP
SGP Malaysia - Strengthening livelihoods rooted in watershed stewardship in three ‘territories of life’ in Babagon Catchment, Sabah, Malaysia
SGP Viet Nam - Support communities living in the buffer zone in the development of medicinal plants under the forest canopy to boost income and conserve biodiversity in the Western Nghe An Biosphere Reserve
SGP Belize - Inspiring Leadership by Solar Engineers in Belize
SGP Bhutan: Solar power in Aja Ney
SGP Guatemala - Mountain Alliance and Women-led Innovation Programme
COP15 SGP 30th event
SGP Iran - ICCA-GSI Wetland conservation
SGP Zambia - Community Transformation through Sustainable Agriculture and Fish Farming
SGP Lesotho - Enhancing food security in mountain communities
SGP Argentina - Proyecto Yaguerete
COP27 Side-event
SGP Albania - Green Enterprises led by women in Albania
SGP Senegal - GEF CEO visit to Soussane, June 2022
SGP Palestine
SGP Bahamas - The Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation
SGP Seychelles - The Ocean Project Seychelles
SGP Madagascar - ICCA GSI
SGP South Africa - TLS x SGP x Elephants Alive and Black Mambas
SGP Guatemala - Indigenous Fellow - Alba Yacabalquiej Salanic
SGP Egypt - Bike sharing initiative - mobilizing youth through sustainable urban transport
SGP Indonesia - GEF CEO SGP visit Indonesia, March 2022
SGP Nepal - Solar Mamas
SGP Costa Rica - The women of La Promesa
SGP Uganda: Minding the Hive - TLS x SGP Covid-19 Resilience Grants
SGP Guatemala – ICCA-GSI - Capacity building in community ecotourism for young people from communities in the Sipacate-Naranjo National Park
SGP Jamaica - Liquid Gold in Cockpit Country
SGP Cameroon and SGP Kyrgyzstan
SGP Francophone Africa - South-South Cooperation
SGP Ecuador - Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku
SGP Vietnam - Ha Long Bay
SGP Colombia - Guardians of the Amazon
SGP Mauritius - Coastal life and resilience
SGP Mexico - Mayan beekeepers on the Yucatan Peninsula
SGP Tanzania - Traditional knowledge for a sustainable future
SGP Jamaica - Improving water access in Clarendon
SGP DRC - Development of non-timber forest products
SGP Panama - Jaguar Conservation
SGP Mexico - Rural Women
SGP Madagascar - VOI TAMIA
SGP Peru - Defenders of a sustainable future
SGP Belize - Enhancing Capacity of Green Creek Farmers Cooperative
SGP Costa Rica - Asociación de Horticultorores de Rio Jesus
SGP Turkey - Cities on Bikes
SGP Costa Rica - Esparza
SGP Malaysia - Rural Renewable Energy
SGP Malaysia - Kivatu Nature Farm
SGP Cameroon
SGP Sri Lanka
SGP Vietnam
SGP Jamaica
SGP Nepal - Sustainable Mushroom Farming
SGP India - Wastepickers_Sarthak Samudayik Vikas Avan Jan Kalyan Sanstha (SSVAJKS)
SGP Guatemala
SGP Peru - Solar
SGP Mauritius - Will Work For Food
SGP Ghana
SGP South Africa - Climate Change Warriors
SGP Bhutan: A Watershed Moment
SGP Mexico
SGP Mauritius - Grandma's Secret Empowering Women through Solar Powered Herbal Teas
SGP Colombia - ICCA-GSI
SGP Panama
SGP Yemen
SGP Viet Nam
SGP Ukraine - Waste Management Project
SGP Ukraine - Mercury Reduction and Management Project
SGP Ukraine - Demonstration and implementation of mechanism for mercury-vapor lamps neutralization in Lugansk region
SGP Ukraine - Biodiversity conservation on steppe landscape with granite
SGP Uganda
SGP Turkey
SGP Togo
SGP Tanzania - CCBRT
SGP Solomon Islands
SGP Seychelles
SGP Senegal
SGP Papua New Guinea
SGP Peru - Puno
SGP Peru - Lambayeque
SGP Peru - Arbosol
SGP Panama - Panama- Civil Society - Dialogue
SGP Nepal
SGP Morocco - Agdal ICCA
SGP Morocco
SGP Mauritius
SGP Malaysia
SGP Kiribati
SGP India
SGP - Fiji - Rise Beyond the Reef
SGP - Fiji - Uto Ni Yalo
SGP Eritrea
SGP Ecuador
SGP Dominican Republic
SGP Colombia
SGP Cambodia
SGP Benin
SGP Belize
SGP Armenia - ClimaEast Plus project