undp_gef_sgp: Arbol Arañado por jaguares a 4 metros de la cerca electrica para jaguares, Elsie Quintero y Erasmo de Leon (1)
undp_gef_sgp: camera trap photo 1 - Credit Fundación Yaguara
undp_gef_sgp: camera trap photo 2- Credit Fundación Yaguara Darien Imama Yov (1)
undp_gef_sgp: camera trap photo 3 Credit Fundación Yaguara
undp_gef_sgp: El Parque Nacional Volcan Baru, Panama_Credit Madison Denkers 2018
undp_gef_sgp: Environmental education workshop with cattle farmers in Darién. Credit Fundación Yaguara
undp_gef_sgp: Environmental education workshop with local and indigenous community organizations studying jaguar paw prints. Credit Fundación Yaguara
undp_gef_sgp: Expert Ricardo Moreno talks with a farmer who has had conflicts with jaguars within his property. Credit Fundación Yaguara
undp_gef_sgp: Hiking in the mountains of El Parque Nacional Volcan Baru, Panama_Credit Madison Denkers 2018
undp_gef_sgp: Jaguar Yaguará (con todos los logos)
undp_gef_sgp: Jungle growth El Parque Nacional Volcan Baru, Panama_Credit Madison Denkers 2018
undp_gef_sgp: Jungle growth in El Parque Nacional Volcan Baru, Panama_Credit Madison Denkers 2018
undp_gef_sgp: Los quetzales in El Parque Nacional Volcan Baru, Panama_Credit Madison Denkers 2018
undp_gef_sgp: Manuel Murillo MiAmbiente explicando tema de OBC reunion Finca Los Lagos (1) Erasmo de Leon
undp_gef_sgp: Members of the organization Indigenous Women for the Biodiversity of Panamá (OMIUBP in spanish), learning to identify jaguars by their markings from camera trap photos. Credit Fundación Yaguara
undp_gef_sgp: Moreno-Ricardo-Credit_Eduardo_Estrada_Wildlife_Photographer
undp_gef_sgp: Moreno-Ricardo-Credit_Elliot_Brown
undp_gef_sgp: Moreno-Ricardo-Credit_Ricardo_Moreno-1
undp_gef_sgp: Moreno-Ricardo-Credit_Ricardo_Moreno-2
undp_gef_sgp: Programme Assistant Carla Uliantzeff, (R.I.P.) participating in an environmental education workshop with community members in the offices of PPD Panamá. Credit Fundación Yaguara
undp_gef_sgp: Representative of Fundación Yaguara with a member of the organization ´No al Machete´, inspecting the first farm with anti-predation 6-line electric fence installed to prevent jaguars from entering to hunt live
undp_gef_sgp: ricardo camaras pijibasal
undp_gef_sgp: Ricardo Moreno with farmer and CSO representative, Erasmo de León, inspecting anti-predation methods. . Credit Fundación Yaguara
undp_gef_sgp: ricardo moreno
undp_gef_sgp: View in El Parque Nacional Volcan Baru, Panama_Credit Madison Denkers 2018