tcmealy: Fiordland National Park
iwatiimchen: Cherry
Austin.Welsh: Thirds
vvpopov: Oenanthe hispanica
ove ferling: Oystercatcher
yozhzh: iris
bo.nik55: Platycnemis pennipes
EmperorNorton47: Chaparral Yucca
alexv1n: 365-18-164: Under a Watchful Eye of a Mother
Rolf-Schweizer: Stone Roses
RCG Maru: Dendrodoris tuberculosa 2
Michael Loyd 1: Ovenbird
wingerjohanne: The trees are so tall in Albyskogen, so when the sun is low, many plants live in the shadow. Now the sun is high, and it spreads its sunrays to almost everything. Even I got some of them that day.
gerardtempo: 5C9A3255
Pramod Bhardwaj: Countryside
Urbex-67: Cigogneau et cigogne
angelobrathot: charme b
angelobrathot: tulipier in the sunrise
angelobrathot: roses de charpente
Fotännie: allez hopp!
Jocarlo: Mushroom (Macro)
claudialohmanns: Schwebefliege
O'Summer: 白面鼯鼠
bo.nik55: D3X_6329+
TJ Gehling: Tiger swallowtail on California buckeye
Austin.Welsh: Bee in Flower
nodakbopa: EARED GREBE
Leo Kramp: Teamwork