RJSchutDigitaal: Platbuik - Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa
Andrea Kammer: AK3_1815
vm.ovchinnikov: Eurasian siskin - Чиж
Clém VDB: Curieuse Rencontre
susie2778: Long tailed tit
vm.ovchinnikov: Coal tit - Московка
AchimOWL: Portrait einer Kanadagans (Branta canadensis)
michael.schiebelsberger: Weiblicher Gimpel hoch am Ast/ Female bullfinch high on the branch
krisk.2014: Short-Toed Treecreeper - Gartenbaumläufer
RJSchutDigitaal: Dubbelstipparelmoervlinder - Twin-spot fritillary - Brenthis hecate
AchimOWL: Popo-Parade :-)
susie2778: A frosty morning
Wayne Interessiert's: Pano __II__ #2
Paul Dermot Gallagher.: Hungry Robin. This one is for you, Judy. 16/01/2020
michael.schiebelsberger: Wintergoldhähnchen bei einer Mahlzeit/ Goldcrest at a meal
susie2778: Mrs Talkative!
stefankamert: No more news today (Leica M6)
vm.ovchinnikov: Lesser spotted woodpecker - малый пестрый дятел
hotte54: Waldohreule (Asio otus)
vm.ovchinnikov: White-backed woodpecker - Белоспинный дятел
Nick Chilton_Birds&Wildlife: Stunning Leucistic Robin
susie2778: Great spotted woodpecker
susie2778: Goldie in the rain
susie2778: Bashful blue tit
susie2778: Bokeh goldfinch
susie2778: Rocking Robin
susie2778: Blue tit in Autumn colours.
michael.schiebelsberger: Wasseramsel/ Dipper