Macreando: Danaus plexippus
hakannedjat: Taranaki - 160km away
Le-laa: aIMG_4116
ajhsmiffie: white horse Cherhill- evening light (web)
Stef54B: Scoiattolo Ice
Ferdy Timmerman: Furcifer pardalis (Cuvier, 1829)
MelvinNicholsonPhotography: Reykjanes Lighthouse and Geothermal Power Station, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland
Wits End Photography: Cuba Street Reflection
zsnajorrah: Belofte
Mark P Betts: Santa Elena Canyon, Big Bend National Park
Mike Reva: Issuk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan
Naska Photographie: Vitrail naturel
laura.hacking: The Spine Sword-billed Hummingbird
Ro Cafe: Tiny clothespins
drbut: Cuckoo
Andrea Giannuzzi: WebExport_1640px_WebExport_1640px_Senza-titolo1-Modifica
jaimellinarescano: Cova els Arcs feel the freedom
Maarten Takens: De oversteek remake
sepofà: _SEP6012
rio en medio - Jose On/Off: Ardilla Roja - Sciurus vulgaris
Alilyquist223: male Anna's Hummingbird flashing his display
overthemoon3: Mirror
ÇhяḯṧtÖρнε: Busard Saint-Martin - Circus cyaneus (Grand Castelou, Aude 11) 28 janvier 2018