Alilyquist223: Cheetah roaming the plains
Alilyquist223: Intense stare
Alilyquist223: Suni antelope
Alilyquist223: Elephant skin - Abstract
Alilyquist223: Lion cub rough play
Alilyquist223: Male Hippo with teeth on display
Alilyquist223: female Towhee
Alilyquist223: TricoloredHeronflight
Alilyquist223: Ruby-crownedKinglet_share
Alilyquist223: "No Salmon yet?? I guess this stick will do for now.."
Alilyquist223: napping Brown Bear with cub
Alilyquist223: Alaskan Brown Bear running down the beach
Alilyquist223: Look at those Claws!!
Alilyquist223: Alaskan Brown Bear on the flats
Alilyquist223: Brown Bears Roughhousing
Alilyquist223: male Anna's Hummingbird flashing his display
Alilyquist223: Sea Lion pup at La Jolla
Alilyquist223: bull Moose scratching an itch
Alilyquist223: female Snail Kite
Alilyquist223: Atlantic puffin
Alilyquist223: Grizzly cub
Alilyquist223: Wood Stork
Alilyquist223: Roseate Spoonbill in flight
Alilyquist223: Tricolored Heron
Alilyquist223: Sleepy Fox
Alilyquist223: Trumpeter Swan
Alilyquist223: Trumpeter Swans
Alilyquist223: juvenile Trumpeter Swan
Alilyquist223: Least Chipmunk