Wildonline.blog: Long tailed tit
Dave. Kelly.: Boats at Sunset
odogy: Watchen these 2 making a nest in the local woods
Bob Hurrell Wildlife: Symmetry! Great Spotted Woodpecker.
crush777roxx: 😊 Morning Splash of Red!
crush777roxx: ️ A World of Light + Hope...
Hatsofe B: Eurasian kingfisher
Hatsofe B: Black kite
Hatsofe B: Black-winged kite
cantilena91: More urban uniqueness!
cantilena91: Covered in darkness...
philippeoros: Aigrette Garzette
philippeoros: Bécassine des Marais
philippeoros: Bec Croisé des Sapins
Julian Munilla Rio: Garza verde _MG_0439
Julian Munilla Rio: Pinzón real rIMG_2278
PatriciaNicoloso: Sanhaçu-cinzento/Sayaca Tanager
PatriciaNicoloso: Coruja-buraqueira/Burrowing Owl
cantilena91: Rowan tree at dusk
Hatsofe B: Sinai Rosefinch (male)
Hatsofe B: Graceful prinia
Rouge_Lucifer: 20 seconds of the Light
Mark willden: 2E695BB4-4809-4D37-ADD7-1D516DC41CD7_1_201_a
Mark willden: F28BACEB-4C39-48C5-AE30-1E4E102EB0D1_1_201_a
ccmc_2: Nature
Mark willden: 64265800-BC07-4633-B449-6C7C4A3F8EC1_1_201_a
Hatsofe B: White-breasted kingfisher
Mark willden: 2AF46FFC-B794-4363-984C-1010E6C12706_1_201_a
cantilena91: Eurasian oystercatcher aka Haematopus ostralegus
antoinebouyer: Tôt le matin peu à la pointe Saint-Gildas (44)