PAOVisual: St Annes fountain
R.P.B.: White throated Bee-eater
Jim Welford: Long-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus climacurus
michaJlS: Slopes of Snowdon Massif
SMC1977: Blackpool
Nicholas Coates: Eccleston, Nr Chorley
SMC1977: Blackpool Tower, Illuminations
mint Art: stars in my eyes
Stefan Pankow: accrington viaduct
Frans.Sellies: Beautiful sunbird (male) (Cinnyris pulchellus), Kotu, The Gambia
Frans.Sellies: Violet Turaco (Musophago violacea) in flight, Brufut, The Gambia
PAOVisual: Blackburn Rovers v Northampton Town Panorama
Whitnall :): Ski Slope lift @ Night
MikeT124: Great Egre
MikeT124: Abbysinian Roller
+_Jan_+: Lapwing
Binob0: IMGP6384
jaytee27: Western Reef Heron - Egretta gularis
tommckibbin: Great Spotted Woodpecker
tommckibbin: Buzzard
Mister Oy: Flamingo
Natasha Hyatt: IMG_0887