ili76: I have so many words to say that... I prefer to remain silent....
colindalton527: SPARROWHAWK
Troy West Steve: Red-tailed Hawk
johnlivesley: Sparrowhawk
brunofurlan: Farfalla
MDAD1961: Great White Egret
pbill56: Cattle Egret.
Colin 2013: Coal Tit.
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Red-rumped Swallow (2920)
ili76: Your name is painted on a dreamy background in a gallery of my imagination :-)
Colin 2013: Our Great Granddaughter Lela and Grand Dog Coby.
garryoldfield1968: Brambling Video_10_01_2025_000002536
John Tymon: West Pool
John Tymon: Redpoll
ili76: Pride whispers to you to be silent, but your heart cries out to love.
Colin 2013: Bramlin.
ili76: I would have liked to be perfect like you are..but I changed my mind ... there are already too many of us :-)
Karl Bishop: Snow Bunting (Female)
brunofurlan: Gruccione /Merops apiaster
1 denis williams: Snow Bunting
John Tymon: Stonechat - Female
paulboardman67: redwing wwt martin mere
garryoldfield1968: Redwing at WWT Martin Mere
ili76: Some people think they have everything but in reality they have nothing.
Ed Thorn: Red Kite
odogy: Last year leo
garryoldfield1968: Marsh Harrier from the Ron Barker Hide at WWT Martin Mere
MissTessmacher: Northern Shovelers