ili76: Don't put anything off. Life is too short, happiness too rare. If you want to do something that makes you happy, do it now
ili76: Show someone how much you care and they will show you how stupid you are
ili76: Don't stress for nothing, God will arrange everything...
ili76: You haven't learned anything from life if you think you're always right :-)
ili76: Sometimes we are a bunch of unspoken words. The eyes speak what the soul cannot say :-)
ili76: Life is like a rainbow. Every day has a different color. Happy day everyone :-)
ili76: Remember.. Love never fails, so if it fails it was never love
ili76: A king who loves his queen has no eyes for other pawns
ili76: Read... then Read left to right
ili76: In one life, you only feel the infinite with one person
ili76: Don't the right eyes you will always be "art"
ili76: Nobody is your master..but Nobody...don't forget that
ili76: Only love without reason can be eternal. The others disappear when the reasons also disappear
ili76: A good soul is hard to find, easy to lose and impossible to replace.
ili76: Sometimes silence is the mute pain of the soul
ili76: Sometimes you need to push yourself. You already have everything you need to achieve your goals
ili76: I'm stuck in thoughts: "Give up, there's no point, and "Fight, everything will be fine." You will suvive.
ili76: The older you get, the more you realize that .... .
ili76: What belongs to time will disappear in time. What belongs to the soul will last forever
ili76: People with high spiritual intelligence don't just read words...
ili76: Love is giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting that they won't use it
ili76: When you write the story of your life don't let anyone hold your pen
ili76: Faith means trusting God even when you don't understand his plan
ili76: You wear a watch in vain if your delay is mental
ili76: Don't forget that there is someone happy just because you exist
ili76: :-)
ili76: In life we meet two types of people: Some will have price and others value. Learn to make the difference.
ili76: There are people who choose you because they have nothing else and people who choose you because they don't want anything else. Learn the difference :-)
ili76: There are leaves that do not fall no matter how strong the wind & There are moments and facts that cannot be forgotten even if forgetting is a Law of nature