KerryBluett: Osprey
KerryBluett: Long Tailed Tit
Twogiantscoops: Eye of the woods - Devonshire Outback (Explore)
Twogiantscoops: “Berry Break” for the Waxwing
" yer tis my ansome ": great crested grebe
sander_sloots: Snow trees
krossbow: Poseidon Adventure
Twogiantscoops: Armed Knight - C O R N W A L L
" yer tis my ansome ": kestrel (j) (m) (Falco tinnunculus)
KerryBluett: Lexi the Vizsla
KerryBluett: Vizsla
Dartmoor Mike: Golden Plover
Aaron Whitaker: Cattle Egret
" yer tis my ansome ": great spotted woodpecker
Twogiantscoops: Cascading over the Harbour Wall
KerryBluett: Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus Melancholicus)
KerryBluett: La Gomera
Phill.G: Starlings on the Levels
Twogiantscoops: Striking Light
Steve Rogers - swopticsphoto: Sanderling, Marazion beach, UK
" yer tis my ansome ": wait i aint ready
ddlane7: IMG_2854-3
Marcus Pool: Waxwing
KerryBluett: Blue Tit