laurie.mccarty: 810_1171.jpg= Monarch Butterfly
pstenzel71: Alyssum
michelebazin: Je me chauffe à l'électricité !
Yvonne Nielsen: Slender Scotch Burnet (Slender Scotch Burnet / Zygaena loti)
Manuel Barroso: Macroglossum stellatarum (mariposa-esfinge-colibri)
antoinebouyer: Macrophotographie
Martin Bärtges: A large mushroom family 🍁🍄
Martin Bärtges: A blue day ☀️
laurie.mccarty: _DSC1858.jpg=040419WD
laurie.mccarty: 810_7745. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
laurie.mccarty: 811_0922. Black and Yellow Garden Spider
laurie.mccarty: _DSC9117.N105 Phantom Crane Fly
david__barkman: Small fly
pstenzel71: Aster
Omygodtom: Bubble,s in the Grass.
pstenzel71: Fritillary
shin ikegami: This work is 6/12 works taken on 2019/6/8
celerycelery: Cranesbill (Geranium versicolor)
Omygodtom: July Shower,s.
pstenzel71: Blue Nigella
Bulda9: My Dog
Martine BERRY: pensées
Martine BERRY: Papillon nacré de la ronce
Dis da fi we: Cuban tody (Todus multicolor) - Holguín Province, Cuba - Feb 2019
Dis da fi we: Zebra Heliconian (Heliconius charithonia) - Holguín Province, Cuba - Feb 2019
gubanov77: Valley
pstenzel71: Forget-Me-Not
Yvonne Nielsen: Brunlig perlemorsommerfugl (Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary / Boloria selene)
Yvonne Nielsen: Almindelig vandnymfe (Northern Bluet / Enallagma cyathigerum)