jp.matysiak: une trace du passé (mine de Liévin, 62)-a trace of the past (old coal mine), Liévin (France)
verruckt42: The Dock
PhotoCopines: Matin glacial
907DPM: Merry Christmas
Juliaforphotos: Fountain at Bryant Park Brown Rat Chaffinch
verruckt42: Pagoda #2
Roland.W. & Franziska L.: Graureiher & 🐀
verruckt42: Nutcracker & Acorns
Hans Lambregts: Wrinkles
Ed-NC: Oregon Inlet Life Saving Station and the Marc Basnight Bridge
Capt Andy: DSC02242
ChicagoBob46: Get off my back
Martin Bärtges: Shades of warm colors
txetxugonzalezberrio: atardecer en Menorca
txetxugonzalezberrio: no al terrorismo ni cualquier tipo de tortura
Ulf Roos: Supermåne 19:e augusti / Super Moon August 19th. Explored 22.09.2024
wjm-photography: Pelikan_1A1A9759
"santiago": Queens Gardens
"santiago": Elizabeth Quay Bridge
K. Bella Rosa: August Bridge
Jon M - uk image: River Reflections
Martin Bärtges: Viewed in profile
SVA1969: Ball of light talking to the moonlight