Lopamudra !: Quietude !!
Lopamudra !: The flag of the Nature !!
Lopamudra !: United we stand....
ZeePack: Morning Sandstorm
Abeer!: White Satin Moth!
Lopamudra !: Wishes from Bengal !!
ZeePack: Siberian Stonechat
ZeePack: Where's Mom?
ZeePack: Crimson Sunbird
ZeePack: Verditer Flycatcher
ZeePack: Crested Kingfisher
Lopamudra !: Love in lockdown !!
Lopamudra !: Avalanche Uncut !!
Lopamudra !: On the lap of the hills....
Lopamudra !: Calendula !!
Lopamudra !: The gem in the highland !!
Lopamudra !: Grazing in the sunshine....
Lopamudra !: The sunshine valley !!
Lopamudra !: Common Tiger !!
Lopamudra !: The image is dream....the beauty is real !!
Lopamudra !: In the wide frame of Hanle !!
Lopamudra !: There we shall meet again...
Lopamudra !: The glory of the past !!
Lopamudra !: The land of whishpering clouds !!
Lopamudra !: Nothing forbids to lose yourself here....
Lopamudra !: The ethereal imprint of twilight !!
Lopamudra !: Smile...an undying imprint of life...
Lopamudra !: Hard life !!
Lopamudra !: Blessed !!
Lopamudra !: The good earth !!