Adam Swaine: Robin in the Brambles West Sussex
Sue-Elleanor…: Symbol of hope………
Ella Sosnowski: New visitor in my garden...
pearl.winch: On fire strawflowers
cliveswildshots: Common Kingfisher,UK.
Christine down south: Aurora calamity
Christine down south: Annual madness
glriasilva55: Guarda-rios (Alcedo atthis), Kingfisher
trevorking304: Red kite #1
Angel@ T@ylor: Christmas train 13-O8 -2018
ve7coa: Bald eagle portrait / Portrait de pygargue à tête blanche
Eleanor (On and off): Lest we Forget
pearl.winch: Kingfisher Oct 2024
kleiner_eisbaer_75: A sweet little guy in a colorful world
kleiner_eisbaer_75: The Red Kite in all its beauty
blavandmaster: Autumn Skies
Jet Captain: Barn Owl, N Yorkshire, UK.
Eleanor (On and off): Thursday`s Flower
Christine down south: Grand day out
adenkis: marvellous in its embarrassment
s0340248: DSC44373 Bäume Herbst 2022 (Explore - #7 - 09.10.2024)
pearl.winch: Shame about the wings
philippeoros: La flêche bleue ...
Eleanor (On and off): Thursday`s Flowers
Christine down south: Ebb and flow
blavandmaster: Life is a reflection
markbrucker: Same super moon without a filter.
Carsten Bahnsen: Arora boreales