Renee's Moment: Happy New Year 2025! (EXPLORED)
Diaffi: In the twilight of branches.
Florian Heyn: ČD 151 023 zieht EC 241 "Košičan" durch Štrba...
nalle_folkblom: B94A9429
ralfkai41: The last night of the old year - Die letzte Nacht das alten Jahres (explore #48)
kaihornung-photography: Schiessentümpel
johnny.allenco: Happy New Year
K.H.Reichert [ ... ]: Hamnøy Norway
@hipydeus: Frost
Artur Tomaz Photography: A classic from Cordoba -- Happy New Year!!
BBperception: beauty of winter
valecomte20: Low sun over Hamnoy with its iconic red Rorbuer - Lofoten Norway
Maffe: Close encounter
danielusescanon: Sunset at Lake Hood
jm canfran: Flowers
Chief Bwana: The Big One
fred0823: GFX50S + Minolta 58/1.2
Web-Betty: Front Range Inn
Eygló Aradóttir: Eyrarbakkafjara 29.12.24
David Foster Nass: Deutschlandticket
steinliland: Stjerntindmassivet
PETEJLB: Goldcrest (explored)
seppamatti: Aurajoki Nautelankoski Lieto Finland
lysiane.bourdon: Le Quatuor 4
Markus Lehr: Between the old days and the new
Michael J Lawlor: Stedham Marsh