A.Davey: Wooden Figure (Reindeer)
Katbor: Oglebay Zoo - 111- _DSC0259
Laser Kola: Somewhere in Helsinki
Oleg Bartunov: Me and Vladimir Lipunov @Pgconf.ru 2023
Milton Sonn: Very Angry
santiagonostalgico: José Miguel Alcérreca, general leal al presidente Balmaceda, murió asesinado en Placilla agosto de 1891
Oleg Bartunov: Oleg Bartunov, Natalya Yagodzinskaya, Gradient club, physics dept. MSU
Oleg Bartunov: Volleyball at sunset, MSU
janwillemsen: kleurboek Roodkapje j 30-40,plaat i
dullhunk: Chapter One: Maths and Music: a duet
annpar: Sumo shopping...
Monty May (OBSERVE): Bad Face Day
Markus Branse: Clouds At Dusk ,
Brechtbug: Telephone Gargoyle 6288
Tomás Hornos: The Man Who Sold The World
jbwutx: Barb to OR
tashusik3: ГА РФ. Ф. 655. Оп. 1. Д. 3000. Л. 23
Coloured back to life: 26195453_420209898411895_9132625588011810676_n
micky the pixel: The Ultra Electric Mega Galactic Sasquatch
Yasu Torigoe: A Mural on the Exterior Walls of the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen, Rouen, France-56a
♞Jenny♞: Sometimes, I just gots ta sit
Cardenal Mendoza: Acupuncture
JLM62380: Giraffe
jcfcosta: O Pensador