peterschmidt2711: Endromis versicolora
Ju Ferraz Fotografias: Pico da Ibituruna - Governador Valadares - Minas Gerais
Ju Ferraz Fotografias: Passo da Crucificação - Obra de Aleijadinho - Congonhas - Minas Gerais - Brasil
Andrew H Wildlife Images: Love a King and this king has a catch
Richard Saville - Nature Photography: Common Lizard - Warren Slope Epping Forest
zimorodek: Every creature comes to water.
ianderry64: Brilliant Bracken
MARTÍN VALLEJOS: Calidris melanotos - Pectoral Sandpipper
MARTÍN VALLEJOS: Nyctibius griseus mae-da-lua
MARTÍN VALLEJOS: Segundo día del #challengeonnaturephotography gracias a Jorge Tiravanti, quien me nominó para este reto de subir fotos a facebook y promover la biodiversidad y parajes del #peru , en este caso dos #guacamayos o Ara ararauna en la #amazonia de #madrededios
MARTÍN VALLEJOS: P. jamesi / Jame's Flamingo feeding
MARTÍN VALLEJOS: Creamy-crested Spinetail / Cranioleuca albicapilla
MARTÍN VALLEJOS: Sora - Porzana carolina
cowyeow: Keeled slug-eating snake (Pareas carinatus)
AnyMotion: Shining Autumn Lights
ianderry64: Autumn Fallow Deer
AnyMotion: Happy Caturday
BruceCouch: Factory Butte
Tim Nicol: Yellow-headed Blackbird
shimmer5641: Many-colored Rush Tyrant / Tyranneau omnicolore
Ray Chiarello: First Light at Vestrahorn
Ray Chiarello: Roadside View West of Vestrahorn
hamsiksa: Lake Woodruff NWR IR #19 2019; Vine
Ray Chiarello: Vestrahorn and Brunnhorn
Ray Chiarello: Vestrahorn [Explore]
Ray Chiarello: Eystrahorn [Explore]
-MSW-: Light Trails On Market Street [Explored]