karlheinz klingbeil: Heiligenhafen / Ostsee 2021
Josep M.Toset: accipiter nisus
golfpatphoto: Tichodrome échelette
ricardocarmonafdez: Contemplation
T@hir'S Photography: Flock of Egrets
wfgphoto: Northern Harrier in flight
Dan Michaels: Best Way
melissapeck52: Smiling Chimp
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Yellow-headed Blackbirds
John David Hutchison: Great Horned Owl
ftm599: Barn owl in flight
Kirk Lougheed: A Wild and Fierce Light
l.acbs.(gracias 6.7 millones visitas): somormujo al despegue..
l.acbs.(gracias 6.7 millones visitas): una de las que nos abandona este año..
abjorken: Jumping Spider (Salticus cingulatus) Stamhoppspindel
blackhawk32: Russian Orhtodox Chruch-1
markloh4896: Yellow-Plumed Honeyeater
abjorken: Bohemian Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus) Sidensvans
edseljames: Great Horned Owl
edseljames: Northern Pygmy Owl
markloh4896: Finish of the year with B & W Happy New Year!!