~sin~dey~: equine love
oldhiker111: Eastern Fox Squirrel
Mackedwars: La última luz de la tarde del dia de San Silvestre en la Playa de Arrigunaga. Getxo.
Fly~catcher: Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus)
Mike_FL: American coot
Mike_FL: Lady Anhinga
kleiner_eisbaer_75: fairytale heather magic
libertus.polling: Milvago chima chima
Udo S: Hike - last sunlight from one of my favorite places
rmacwheeler1: Imagine, I have neighbors that hate them! UH!_2738
Meino NL: Peahen
michelarnoux1: Givre dans le Jura.
Ellen Lakeside: Mr Red Bird
canuckguyinadarkroom: DSC05312- Northern Mockingbird
ISOZPHOTO mit Filou: Burg Kreuzberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Joachim Photo Arts: October morning silence
jt893x: Boat-tailed Grackle
GEMLAFOTO: My haven for tranquility / Mon havre de paix (3)
Michael Ohmer: Sperling 040125 (3)
fogline: Inhabitants Of The Ice Field
SmthStrg: Buntspecht - Great spotted woodpecker - Dendrocopos major - 20250105_1
SmthStrg: Kleiber - Nuthatch - Sitta europaea - 20250105_1
antoinebouyer: Martin-pêcheur
Davebfc69: Woodie in the snow Taken from the bedroom window