Ibai Acevedo: Three months in AUSTRALIA
João P Machado: The eye of an eye
João P Machado: Fields of Ice
AceXPhotos: Sakura
niko**: *Sakura.
nipomen2: Sakura #2
Jason Idzerda: Sakura Blossoms
yury.ivliev: _IMG2144-16
albert dros: Mi Fuego
Petri Damstén: Cross-section of a Man
Katharina Jung: Bergamo Citta Alta
marlinhelene2: Winterlandscape (analog)
~ Floydian ~: Sunrise Ten Boer - Netherlands
Kirk Lougheed: Chephren Sundown
Adr.murray: Little Pilot
- AdelheidS Photography -: Bergen Winter Blues, Norway
DigitalBite: I am vengeance! I am the night! I am Batman!
DigitalBite: Golden eyes
- AdelheidS Photography -: Winter in Trondheim
lfeng1014: Misty Morning
M a r i k o: Illumination
albert dros: Autumn Faith
- AdelheidS Photography -: Francia Glacier, Chile