sarbnb: little blue heron
sarbnb: Quintessential SoCal
sarbnb: SuBurbank
The Traveling Frog - Rossitza and Stevan Olson: Roman Mosaics - Regional Museum of History, Stara Zagora
The Traveling Frog - Rossitza and Stevan Olson: Roman Mosaics - detail - Roman Jug - Regional Museum of History, Stara Zagora
The Traveling Frog - Rossitza and Stevan Olson: Roman Mosaics - Infinity Symbol - detail - Regional Museum of History, Stara Zagora
The Traveling Frog - Rossitza and Stevan Olson: Roman Mosaics - Regional Museum of History, Stara Zagora
The Traveling Frog - Rossitza and Stevan Olson: Roman Mosaics - 1600 years old pears - detail - Regional Museum of History, Stara Zagora
Ale Di Gangi: Everybody loves granita
MauScaMe: On the corner, light
Yoshi Shimada: 江の島にて w/ Nissan Cedric Station Wagon 
fishyfish_arcade: At Cleethorpes station
ericvandrick: SeptN65Provia - 351
John Woolley Photos: 47123_1977_07_Crewe
ericvandrick: fppretrochrome400A2E - 0111
vediabakia: DOUCE ANGOISSE
Scottycar: Mojave Symmetry
Koprek: Into the light
Scottycar: Yucca Coming of Age
j o h n n y 5: ... I wish I was special⭐ Lynda Landers.