GOO ROT ☾: huddled masses
photoChar: Many exposures selfie-study
chromaticdaydreams: Polaroidweek 6/1: „Je Suis D’Ailleurs“ (beautiful Elif shot with Polaroid I-2 on Polaroid iType film)
Scott Southall: Full Body Portrait
daniela.muentinga: Polaroid Week 6/2
Scott Southall: Sunset Through the Leaves
Jessie Eileen: Insomnia Diptych
chromaticdaydreams: Polaroidweek 5/2: „Out Of Sequence““ (beautiful Mare Cirko shot with Mint Camera SLR670s on Polaroid 600 film)
Estrella Marr: Pink self portrait Polaroid Week: Day 6 - 1
daniela.muentinga: Polaroid Week 6/1 with Julia Beyer <3
rustman: Thalishka
Scott Southall: The Favorite
chromaticdaydreams: Polaroidweek 5/1: „Ellipsis“ (beautiful Mare Cirko shot with Mint Camera SLR670s on Polaroid 600 film)
GOO ROT ☾: spring roid week day v/ii
chromaticdaydreams: Polaroidweek 4/2: „Unknown To The I“ (beautiful Mare Cirko shot with Mint Camera SLR670s on Polaroid 600 film)