Photos By JM: Eastern Phoebe
Dinusaur: The place where water runs through.
jraposo3072: White-crowned Sparrow
Photos By JM: Autumn Morning
Photos By JM: Golden Opportunity
richard_morel: Tyran quiquivi / Great Kiskadee
Photos By JM: That Tingling Sensation
dwb838: Barred Owlets
richard_morel: Goglu des prés / Bobolink
Photos By JM: Yellow Warbler
jraposo3072: DSC03161
Photos By JM: The Soft Spot
dwb838: Northern Hawk Owl
Photos By JM: Killdeer
Photos By JM: Blue Jay
dwb838: Barred Owl hunting squirrels in the snow
dwb838: Wild Turkey
dwb838: Juvenile Bald Eagle
Barbara & Frank FORTUNEL-LELIEVRE: ... and my inner beauty !
Michael Zheng - 奔驰野马: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
dwb838: Red Fox Kits
Photos By JM: The Audition
petertamas97: Canada Warbler - _L6A5446a
Michael Zheng - 奔驰野马: The Roaring Norwegian Sea
richard_morel: Pyguargue a tete blanche / Bald Eagle
petertamas97: Northern Pygmy-Owl _L6A3727fa
dwb838: Boreal Owl
Siddiqui, sayeed: Angel eyes, that old Devil sent They glow unbearably bright : Ella Fitzgerald -