thrimby2002: Out of the fog.
Cop Lane: 60103 Far Moor
Kevin71000: 34046 Braunton at Ais Gill
DWH284: Christmas Scotsman at Lunds
Jacobite52: Selside Tornado
Alan Burkwood: 5043. Aisgill Viaduct.
Alan Burkwood: 60009. Aisgill.
Tony.Woof: 60532 Selside 290593 img3710-0193mi-a
Neville Wellings: 8P Power on the S&C
stevenhorsfall: IMG_0261
Alan Burkwood: 61994. Helwith Bridge.
Joan's Pics 2012: Rhizocarpon oederi
kahora777: My Love Draka
The Flying Monk: Our Lady of the Isles, South Uist
MelvinNicholsonPhotography: Loch Stacsabhat Waterfalls, Isle of Lewis