del.hickey: The Three Wise Mice.
Ania Tuzel Photography: White-throated Sparrow in Fall
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Barn Owl (URN: 2716)
Rich Mayer Photography: MajesticSunriise3smaller
Jesse_in_CT: Zion National Park
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Willow Warbler (URN: 2718)
lfalterbauer: 2I1A4333-Edit1
ricketdi: Green Heron / Héron vert ( Richard)
ricketdi: Black-crowned Night Heron / Bihoreau gris ( Diane )
Jesse_in_CT: Cliff Chipmunk
wayne kennedy EDD: Little Blue Heron chick-notice leg color and black tip of bill
wayne kennedy EDD: Roseate Skimmer male with head turned
wayne kennedy EDD: Roseate Skimmer - female
wayne kennedy EDD: Eastern Meadowlark on post
Gertj123: Hedgehog
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: JWL5992 Woody....
miro_mtl: Yellow Warbler (Paruline jaune)
don.white55: bullfrog
don.white55: here fishy fishy fishy
John Assheton: Long-tailed Tit, juv
Kevin E. Fox: Little Blue Heron
laurie.mccarty: 850_5003. Northern Mockingbird
laurie.mccarty: 850_4987. Gray Catbird
laurie.mccarty: 850_1577 Brown Thrasher
ricketdi: Eastern Wood Pewee - Pioui de l'Est ( Diane )
Schocken Photography: Great Egret From a Different Vantage Point