Gertj123: Hedgehog
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: JWL5992 Woody....
miro_mtl: Yellow Warbler (Paruline jaune)
don.white55: bullfrog
don.white55: here fishy fishy fishy
John Assheton: Long-tailed Tit, juv
Kevin E. Fox: Little Blue Heron
laurie.mccarty: 850_5003. Northern Mockingbird
laurie.mccarty: 850_4987. Gray Catbird
laurie.mccarty: 850_1577 Brown Thrasher
ricketdi: Eastern Wood Pewee - Pioui de l'Est ( Diane )
Schocken Photography: Great Egret From a Different Vantage Point
lfalterbauer: 2I1A1553a
JEO126: Young piping plover doing a quick stretch and wing flap after some preening
(bbarsalo): Buse à gros bec - Rupornis magnirostris - Roadside Hawk
Jeff Dyck: A Canadian First
Phiddy1: Baby blue
Old Geezer. 1950-2022: House Finch Male
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: JWL6987 Kestrel...
Alexandre Légaré: Chouette rayée // Barred Owl
marieroy0808: Garrot à oeil d'Or (juvénile) - Common Goldeneye
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC6306B Great Crested Grebes...
snapp3r: Large Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis polychloros
rmikulec: Black Throated Blue Singing on a cloudy day
lfalterbauer: 2I1A4537a
ricketdi: House Sparrow - Moineau domestique ( Diane )
Dr DAD (Daniel A D'Auria MD): Always Entertaining 3I7275
sandra bourgeois: Canard branchu - Wood duck
Schocken Photography: The Dancin' Fool