Wildlifestudios: Short-eared Owl
LEADbirder: Northern Mockingbird
Fausto Deseri: Passera scopaiola
francisgmorgan: Hammond's Flycatcher (Empidonax hammondii)
Perk's images: Sooty-capped Chlorospingus - Chlorospingus pileatus (Passerellidae) 115v-14776
austindca: black crested titmouse
Lisa Roeder: Shoreline Least Sandpipers and Sanderlings.
jfranciskay: Grackle
nickinthegarden: Clean up time
craigbell174: Red Throated Diver...
ricketdi: * Baltimore Oriole / Oriole du Nord (Richard)
ASAV Photography: Great Egret taking off
tommckibbin: Siskin
ronzigler: Eastern Bluebird IMG_3593
Randy Ruder: Chilly Morning
m i k e h a w k i n s: a Mountain Bluebird in the snow.
Randy Ruder: Out to the fields
mikeb650: Burrowing Owl
rumerbob: Common Grackle. Quiscalus quiscula.
pandeesh89: tree swallow
Fernando Segú S.: Black Neck Swan
Photos By JM: Color Of The Day
francisgmorgan: Pyrrhuloxia (Cardinalis sinuatus)
picturedmike: Northern Harrier
Clive Brown 72: Female Greenfinch (carduelis chloris) Stand up straight !!
Estrada77: Hooded Merganser taking-off.
Rowen.Shih: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
nickinthegarden: Annas Hummingbird