ASAV Photography:
ASAV 20240831@103255.730
ASAV Photography:
ASAV 20240831@094603.270
ASAV Photography:
ASAV 20240831@094919.230
ASAV Photography:
Playing with the new R5 II
ASAV Photography:
ASAV Photography:
Acorn Woodpecker
ASAV Photography:
Acorn Woodpecker
ASAV Photography:
Great Horned Owl, baby
ASAV Photography:
Acorn Woodpeckers
ASAV Photography:
Ash-throated Flycatcher
ASAV Photography:
Western Tanager
ASAV Photography:
Western Tanager
ASAV Photography:
Baby Great Horned Owl
ASAV Photography:
Great Horned Owls, mom and baby
ASAV Photography:
Western Tanager
ASAV Photography:
Cedar Waxwing
ASAV Photography:
Baby Great Horned Owl
ASAV Photography:
Bullock's Oriole, female
ASAV Photography:
Great Horned Owl
ASAV Photography:
ASAV Photography:
California Scrub Jay
ASAV Photography:
Bullock's Oriole, female
ASAV Photography:
Western Tanager
ASAV Photography:
Great Horned Owl
ASAV Photography:
American Kestrel
ASAV Photography:
Bullock's Oriole
ASAV Photography:
Talamanca HB
ASAV Photography:
Black-and-Yellow Silky Flycatcher
ASAV Photography:
Fiery-throated HB
ASAV Photography:
White-collared Manakin