karlheinz.nelsen: 1643-003 Französische Str U Bf 29.08.2016
Bustrafikken.dk: '2003 Scania CL94UB/6x2 OmniLink
SMS88aec: ARRIVA Scania Omnilink 1560 route 350S
Kim-B10M: 1999' Volvo B10BLE-60 Aabenraa 2000NL
Bustrafikken.dk: (Arriva 1426) Linje 350S - Ballerup St.
Bustrafikken.dk: (Fjord-bus 7495) Linje 600S - Ølstykke St.
Bustrafikken.dk: (Arriva 8473) Linje 350X - Sundbyvester Plads
Kim-B10M: 2009' Volvo B12BLE-61 Vest Center
SMS88aec: 1981 built DSB Diesel locos ME1504 ME1505 ME1506 line up for a photo showing contrasting 2017 red paintwork , 2006 vinyl wrap and 2012 blue paint
Bustrafikken.dk: (Nobina 6032) Linje 93N - Roskilde St.
SMS88aec: Brand new 2004 Scania Omnilink City Trafik 2759
Kim-B10M: 1999' Volvo B10BLE-60 Aabenraa 2000NL
SMS88aec: 2013 Scania Citywide Arriva 1206 was Copenhagen´s 1st Citywide being an extra bus for route 6A - now regained blue corners again to return to route 200S where it worked 2015-17
Dennis H P: City-Trafik 2801, Volvo B7TL / East Lancs, year 2001
SMS88aec: Destination selection fun - buses without Tachos can only operate short legs of 60km long route 600S
SMS88aec: After 3 years off the road out of contract being depreciated 2006 Scania Omnilink ARRIVA 1578 is being used for parts to repair accident damaged sisters.
SMS88aec: Route 300S 2008 Volvo B12BLE Nobina 6020 and 6028 seen in their Glostrup workshop
SMS88aec: Route 30E 2008 Volvo B12BLEs are not used at weekends unless required to cover for other types being serviced
SMS88aec: DSB electric locos EA3022 and EA3010 gleam in summer with their 2 year old paintwork
SMS88aec: 2008 short Mercedes Citaro Anchersens 3205 route 74