SMS88aec: 2008 Volvo B12BLE Nobina 6023 was 1st of its batch of 40 written off as beyond economic repair after minor collision damage in 2022 around the center doors
SMS88aec: 2004 Volvo B12BLE Arriva 1985 served its whole career on route 200S contract lasting 12 years
SMS88aec: Lots of Italian brand diecast toy cars at my local parking lot
SMS88aec: Lots of German cars at my local parking lot today
SMS88aec: Only 3 ex route 600S Scanias remain stored around Copenhagen on 1st February 2025 they are 1000 1002 1021
SMS88aec: Only 3 ex route 600S Scanias remain stored around Copenhagen on 1st February 2025 they are 1000 1002 1021
SMS88aec: Best looking destination font on Movia contract buses in 2025 is shown on the new to Finland route 166 Nobina VDL Citeas like 6480 here
SMS88aec: After at least 7 months out of service with electrical issues 2015 VDL 7509 is back working hard on its old 23 and new 19
SMS88aec: Ford Falcon Futura DX60290 is an everyday driver in Denmark 2025
SMS88aec: Ford Falcon Futura DX60290 is an everyday driver in Denmark 2025
SMS88aec: Route 74 is usually worked by a Frederiksberg branded bus from 3210-3212 although on this occasion 3214 from the 78 makes a rare appearance
SMS88aec: Almost brand new Anchersen Citaro 3283 shows an error 3 on its destination
SMS88aec: The last 2007 Movia citybuses working in central Copenhagen are Anchersen 3203 3205 and 3208 which have been working all day duties on route 22 & 33 September October 2023 replacing sold buses
SMS88aec: The last 2007 Movia citybuses working in central Copenhagen are Anchersen 3203 3205 and 3208 which have been working all day duties on route 22 & 33 September October 2023 replacing sold buses
SMS88aec: On school days one extra journey on route 200S terminates at Rodovre Station and is worked by a Citaro 0530K usually 3209 which then starts the days 848 timetable
SMS88aec: On school days one extra journey on route 200S terminates at Rodovre Station and is worked by a Citaro 0530K usually 3209 which then starts the days 848 timetable
SMS88aec: 6 weeks old Yutong E9 7571 often works route 71 but not with defective destinations so its was substituted by 7572 for the next trip
SMS88aec: Yutong E9s have replaced the last 6 of these Mercedes 0530K previously needed on backstreets mobility routes with 3206 here completing my set of 3201-3215 photos here
SMS88aec: After 10 months in service on the 150S and 15E Yutong E15 7915 still looks very smart
SMS88aec: After 10 months in service on the 150S and 15E Yutong E15 7908 still looks very smart
SMS88aec: Yutong 7344 is seen flying a rainbow flag working route 11 which it worked for almost 3 years but no longer after route 11 moved to new Stanholmen garage
SMS88aec: Yutong E12 7341 is seen on route 164 which it can no longer work because it moved to Stanhomen garage with its own contract the 133 plus route 10 and 11
SMS88aec: 2022 Yutong E12 UMove 7342 was on the 133 contract for 2½ years and also worked the 10 and 11 often until January 2025 when given red corners as it has moved to the 1A contract
SMS88aec: 2022 Yutong E12 UMove 7342 shows off its new red corners as it has moved to the 1A contract for an extension of the route joining 7301-7330 +7421
SMS88aec: VW split screen bus AE61100 rolls down the highway just before sunset
SMS88aec: I was very lucky to get camera in focus on Datsun 1000 AJ65590 as it passed me the sole time I have seen it
SMS88aec: Corgi Rockets 1970 issue cars at Playart 8309 parking garage with car wash
SMS88aec: Late 1970s rarely seen Norev Mercedes Bonna Ambulance compared to well know Lesney Matchbox Bedford Lomas
SMS88aec: The VDL triaxle demo bus XK95448 Keolis 8416 supplied to Denmark found employment for 12 years on route 250S as seen here during its final week in contract
SMS88aec: BMS 2021 Scania G500 CY67212 seen at work with its Palfinger crane